Month: February 2022


Stop motion. 4 second shutter. One layer. Unstable base for both the laptop and the camera. Trying out different shapes and techniques. Update: More layers…...


Quantum physicists will tell you that there is fundamentally no difference between the real and digital worlds, and of course they are probably correct, but there is a difference between What We Know and How We Live. When we are online, it *feels* different to how it feels to...


I remember the interview Jeremy Paxman did with David Bowie in 1999. I was deep into the web at the moment and was constantly trying to convince people that it was very definitely the start of a revolution and not just ‘the 1990s version of CB radio’… Partial transcriptions...

Always Connected. Always Alone.

When thinking about metamodernism – what it is, how one recognises it – I wrote down some notes on modernism and postmodernism. Along with thinking of the time spans and a few cultural influences, I wanted to come up with a pithy sentence on each of the eras. This...

The Porous Border Between Two Worlds

The early days of the World Wide Web ushered in the era of Cyber Utopianism, a belief that the Web would “boost democratic participation, trigger a renaissance in moribund communities [and] strengthen associational life.” (Morozov, 2011) The act of living a Cyber Utopian life required an existential, Sartrean separation...


“Is this disconnect from our bodies the way we should be living? This flesh now feels like it is just another thing I have to take care of, like a plant. I just live in my mind now, but I feel like I’m somehow incomplete, artificial, a kind of...