Category: Blog

What Is It Like To Be A Bat? by Thomas Nagel

Nagel, Thomas. “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” The Philosophical Review 83, no. 4 (1974): 435–50. CONSCIOUSNESS is what makes the mind-body problem really intractable. Perhaps that is why current discussions of the problem give it little attention or get it obviously wrong. The recent wave...

Glocal Metamodernisms Conference April 27-27 2023

I just attended the Glocal Metamodernisms Conference in Jyväskylä, Finland and gave a talk on the idea of ‘space’ and ‘alternative spaces’ as represented in films (see Space 1 and Space 2 for more, Space 3 will be up soon). Though I have no qualms or nervousness about the...

AI Resources

There are several different AI image generators that I’ve been using to make images and video. Some of them are better than others, although the ones that aren’t as good, still produce very interesting images… Midjourney Midjourney is by far the best for pure text-to-image generation. I wrote a...

Space 1

I’ve been looking at the idea of ‘Space’ and our changing thoughts on what that is and where we exist. These changes are prompted by new discoveries, new technologies or media, each one extending us and giving us access to a new way of being in and perceiving the...

Making in AI

I’ve recently been ‘playing around’ with AI image generation. I think of them as ‘text based work’ as the images come from the text prompts. You can get interesting images out of a basic text prompt, but if you have an idea about what you actually want it to...


You have lived your whole life separated from Time. Your great-grandparents’ generation had a collective future. They had an understanding of progress. They would reach this future at all costs, no matter what. They were working towards a better world that they knew they mightn’t ever see. They wanted...

Study Group – Gutai

This week we looked at the post-WW2, Japanese avant garde art movement Gutai. Gutai was started by artist, critic, and teacher Jiro Yoshihara, along with Shozo Shimamoto with the instruction to ‘Do something no one has done before.” The word ‘gutai’ roughly translates into ’embodiment’ or ‘concreteness’ and the...

New Bibliography

NEW BIBLIOGRAPHY Abele, R., 2022. Ben Stiller, Adam Scott on the claustrophobia of the ‘Severance’ set, Innies and Outies. Los Angeles Times, [online] Available at: Aylesworth, G. (2015). Postmodernism. [online] The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available at: Bartleby, 2022. Do not bring your whole self to work....

Consuming Ourselves

Our Digital Self is a product not a person (Solon, 2011). Technological advances in media production over the past 20 years mean that everyone has become a marketing manager, a photographer, a filmmaker, a star, a brand. We have evolved from the postmodern consumer (Fromm, 2013) into the product...

Tutorial 26 Jan 2022

Tutorial with Jonathan 26 Jan I’ve been sucking in a lot of ideas from everywhere in the hope that I stumble upon the keystone to support the whole complicated edifice I’ve constructed. As it is I’m holding up four walls of a vault and don’t feel like I can...


We had to do a 5 minute presentation about our work. As I mainly do video, I decided to do a video as my presentation…...

And we’re off…

We had our first meeting yesterday and I met a few interesting people. Only ‘a few’ because I only got a chance to briefly talk to a few one on one. I’m sure we will have plenty more opportunities to get to know everyone. I need to do a...

Coming Soon

I’m about to start an MA in Fine Art. One of the requirements of the course is to keep a blog. I uhmmed and ahhhed about starting a new one or using my art blog that I’d been keeping throughout my Foundation and BA, but decided that I might...