Previous Artist’s Statement
I’m thinking about what to write for my new artist’s statement and was reminded of the one I wrote in my final year at Chelsea… ————————- If I was writing this as a film script, I’d start with EXT. THE FINAL BLACK HOLE AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE–...
Space 3
Part 1 Part 2 Since the year 2000, there have been far too many films made about people traveling to new spaces to do them all justice- and that’s just ones written or directed by Charlie Kaufman- but I will try and cram in enough of them to give...
Space 2
Part 1 is here. I’ve been looking at examples of films – mainly – about characters that travel to a ‘new or a different space’ in order to see how films have reflected our changing understanding of where we are over the years. In the early era of film,...
Space 1
I’ve been looking at the idea of ‘Space’ and our changing thoughts on what that is and where we exist. These changes are prompted by new discoveries, new technologies or media, each one extending us and giving us access to a new way of being in and perceiving the...
You have lived your whole life separated from Time. Your great-grandparents’ generation had a collective future. They had an understanding of progress. They would reach this future at all costs, no matter what. They were working towards a better world that they knew they mightn’t ever see. They wanted...
My Future
No Body
Forever and ever
In Love
Our Digital Self is separated from the experience of ‘being human’ partly by existing outside the material/real world. Digital You meets up with others online in rooms, boards, sites, platforms – all physical descriptions of non-physical spaces. Post-pandemic, our meetings are on Zoom where even the CEO’s Digital Self...
Don’t Forget Me
She Needs Your Help
The Porous Border Between Two Worlds
The early days of the World Wide Web ushered in the era of Cyber Utopianism, a belief that the Web would “boost democratic participation, trigger a renaissance in moribund communities [and] strengthen associational life.” (Morozov, 2011) The act of living a Cyber Utopian life required an existential, Sartrean separation...
Where does your inspiration come from? This is one of questions that is asked of anyone who does anything creative and it’s hard to answer. You can list films, books, artists, tv shows, plays etc that you like and have ‘inspired’ you, but to deeply answer the question –...