Tag: infrathin


Quantum physicists will tell you that there is fundamentally no difference between the real and digital worlds, and of course they are probably correct, but there is a difference between What We Know and How We Live. When we are online, it *feels* different to how it feels to...

The Porous Border Between Two Worlds

The early days of the World Wide Web ushered in the era of Cyber Utopianism, a belief that the Web would “boost democratic participation, trigger a renaissance in moribund communities [and] strengthen associational life.” (Morozov, 2011) The act of living a Cyber Utopian life required an existential, Sartrean separation...

Lossy Compression

We are in this feedback loop, we condense our life into a trite tweet or a ‘pretty’ picture while constantly searching for ‘likes’ and ‘friends’ and ‘followers’. If we post about #Red and it gets more interaction than if we post about #Blue, we’ll end up posting more about...

Video Experiment

I had an idea for something last week and wanted to try it. This is my first go and it hasn’t quite worked in the way I was expecting, but there are some interesting things in it that I can use. It’s a time lapse of clip from the...


“What art is in reality is this missing link, not the links which exist. It’s not what you see that is art, art is the gap. I like this idea and even if it’s not true I accept it for the truth.”[1]http://www.impossibleobjectsmarfa.com/infrathin (Arturo Schwarz, The Complete Works of Marcel...