Tag: unit3


As I come to the end of my MA, it’s important to reflect on the previous two years. My very first term was brilliant. I had a good idea where I was and the direction I wanted to head in after 3 years doing a BA at Chelsea… and...

Previous Artist’s Statement

I’m thinking about what to write for my new artist’s statement and was reminded of the one I wrote in my final year at Chelsea… ————————- If I was writing this as a film script, I’d start with EXT. THE FINAL BLACK HOLE AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE–...

Space 3

Part 1 Part 2 Since the year 2000, there have been far too many films made about people traveling to new spaces to do them all justice- and that’s just ones written or directed by Charlie Kaufman- but I will try and cram in enough of them to give...

Glocal Metamodernisms Conference April 27-27 2023

I just attended the Glocal Metamodernisms Conference in Jyväskylä, Finland and gave a talk on the idea of ‘space’ and ‘alternative spaces’ as represented in films (see Space 1 and Space 2 for more, Space 3 will be up soon). Though I have no qualms or nervousness about the...

Space 2

Part 1 is here. I’ve been looking at examples of films – mainly – about characters that travel to a ‘new or a different space’ in order to see how films have reflected our changing understanding of where we are over the years. In the early era of film,...


I had my tutorial today to discuss our end of year exhibition in June. Jonathan and I discussed my idea – both the practicalities and the ‘feel’ of the piece. The practicality that is most important to me are: WILL THERE BE A BLOODY SIGNAL IN THE STUDIO??? The...

AI Resources

There are several different AI image generators that I’ve been using to make images and video. Some of them are better than others, although the ones that aren’t as good, still produce very interesting images… Midjourney Midjourney is by far the best for pure text-to-image generation. I wrote a...

Space 1

I’ve been looking at the idea of ‘Space’ and our changing thoughts on what that is and where we exist. These changes are prompted by new discoveries, new technologies or media, each one extending us and giving us access to a new way of being in and perceiving the...

Trees on a screen

Midjourney prompt “A woman suspended in a non-physical space looking at trees on a screen.”...

Continuing education

I started on this ‘education’ lark in 2017 when I started out doing a casual drawing and painting class and was soon accepted on the UAL Art Foundation diploma at Morley College. As part of that, we were encouraged to apply to university. I’d never been to uni before...

Making in AI

I’ve recently been ‘playing around’ with AI image generation. I think of them as ‘text based work’ as the images come from the text prompts. You can get interesting images out of a basic text prompt, but if you have an idea about what you actually want it to...


I like thinking. I like thinking about complicated ideas. I like thinking I can understand complicated ideas. I like thinking that I’m pretty good at thinking. Thinking, however, is easy. Thinking well is not. It isn’t enough just to think something that no one else has thought about before....


DALL-E prompt “Stencil of a frightened woman’s face with a man’s hand covering her mouth.”...