Tag: unit3


DALL-E prompt “Shadowy black and white close-up photograph of a fearful woman’s face with a man’s hand grabbing her mouth.”...

Writing a book

After speaking to an editor from a publishing house, I decided to write a proposal for a book on the stuff I’ve been looking into for my MA- namely the divide between the real and the digital worlds and what this is doing to us. I’ve written two proposals...

“Just Make Stuff”

There are Artists… and then there are People Who Call Themselves Artists. There are people who do Art without calling themselves an Artist, of course… and there are people who call themselves an Artist without doing capital A Art. Is it enough to just ‘create, create, create’ without, for...

Study Group- Wade Guyton

This week we looked at Wade Guyton AND HIS FREAKIN’ AMAZING PRINTS. I just love them so much. “Wade Guyton (b. 1972) is an American artist known for using large format printers, desktop computers, and scanners, to make digital “paintings” on canvas. Guyton’s process does not involve the traditional...


The word fanatic’s original meaning in the 1520s was “insane person”. By the 1640s it meant “zealous person, person characterized by excessive enthusiasm” [1]Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2023]. and it’s this meaning that has more or less stuck. The word fan, abbreviated from fanatic, meaning ‘devotee’ [2]Available at:...

Study Group – Jon Rafman

This week the study group looked at Canadian artist Jon Rafman. We looked specifically at Nine Eyes of Google Street View, which is an ongoing project of images found on Google Street View. I first remember reading about his project Kool-Aid Man In Second Life though I just remember...

On Dehumanisation

I’ve noticed people using the word ‘dehumanise’ a lot recently. We all understand the very basic idea of it – eg calling groups of people ‘cockroaches’ or ‘animals’ which conceptually strip the group of the qualities that give them ‘humanness’ which then turns them into ‘legitimate targets’… But when...

Who Am I?

Today’s tutorial felt a bit more like therapy than usual! Jonathan asked me about my writing and whether I felt it was becoming my practice. I didn’t think so. I write in order to clarify my thoughts. My ‘art’ is to evoke emotions. He wondered if I thought about...


You have lived your whole life separated from Time. Your great-grandparents’ generation had a collective future. They had an understanding of progress. They would reach this future at all costs, no matter what. They were working towards a better world that they knew they mightn’t ever see. They wanted...

Study Group – Gutai

This week we looked at the post-WW2, Japanese avant garde art movement Gutai. Gutai was started by artist, critic, and teacher Jiro Yoshihara, along with Shozo Shimamoto with the instruction to ‘Do something no one has done before.” The word ‘gutai’ roughly translates into ’embodiment’ or ‘concreteness’ and the...