Digital Alienation
American Rasputin Steve Bannon is still scheming. And he’s still a threat to democracy. From There’s a scene I keep looping back to in Errol Morris’s 2018 documentary about Bannon, American Dharma. Bannon is recalling his Hong Kong days in the 2000s, when he was working for Internet...
Quantum physicists will tell you that there is fundamentally no difference between the real and digital worlds, and of course they are probably correct, but there is a difference between What We Know and How We Live. When we are online, it *feels* different to how it feels to...
“Is this disconnect from our bodies the way we should be living? This flesh now feels like it is just another thing I have to take care of, like a plant. I just live in my mind now, but I feel like I’m somehow incomplete, artificial, a kind of...
And we’re off…
We had our first meeting yesterday and I met a few interesting people. Only ‘a few’ because I only got a chance to briefly talk to a few one on one. I’m sure we will have plenty more opportunities to get to know everyone. I need to do a...