My Future
No Body
Forever and ever
In Love
Our Digital Self is separated from the experience of ‘being human’ partly by existing outside the material/real world. Digital You meets up with others online in rooms, boards, sites, platforms – all physical descriptions of non-physical spaces. Post-pandemic, our meetings are on Zoom where even the CEO’s Digital Self...
Don’t Forget Me
She Needs Your Help
Always Connected. Always Alone.
When thinking about metamodernism – what it is, how one recognises it – I wrote down some notes on modernism and postmodernism. Along with thinking of the time spans and a few cultural influences, I wanted to come up with a pithy sentence on each of the eras. This...
Lossy Compression
We are in this feedback loop, we condense our life into a trite tweet or a ‘pretty’ picture while constantly searching for ‘likes’ and ‘friends’ and ‘followers’. If we post about #Red and it gets more interaction than if we post about #Blue, we’ll end up posting more about...
Coming Soon
I’m about to start an MA in Fine Art. One of the requirements of the course is to keep a blog. I uhmmed and ahhhed about starting a new one or using my art blog that I’d been keeping throughout my Foundation and BA, but decided that I might...