Study Group – David Musgrave

A few of us decided to start an MA+ independent study group where we meet for an hour before our main MA meeting to discuss something we have all watched, listened to or read the previous week.

The first week, I suggested a lecture called Thinking The Machine given by David Musgrave when I was at Chelsea College of Art. The lecture had been put up online by David’s gallery greengrassi, but has since been taken down. Luckily, I’d saved it, so I uploaded it to a private space and shared it with others in the group to watch for our first meeting.

The lecture makes you think of the role machines have had in our lives over the past 150 years – how they have changed our landscape, How they have changed our art, how they have changed us and how we are still changing because of technology… and how as they become more like us, we are becoming more like them.