The Cluster F Theory Podcast
My friend Timotheus Vermeulen and I have started a podcast called The Cluster F Theory.
The blurb:
Pandemics, populism, post-truth. Rising sea-levels and dwindling economies. SpaceX, Zoom fatigue. Smart fridges, nepobabies, Love Island. To many of us the world, our very planet, appears to be coming apart. How are we to put it back together again (and should we)? What goes where and why? In ‘The Cluster F Theory Podcast: Concepts for Catastrophic Times’, TV presenter and writer Gia Milinovich and Timotheus Vermeulen, Professor of Media, Culture and Society, consider our options.
Each week we speak to a philosopher, critical theorist, scientist, historian, academic, writer or thinker about their take on the present. Each week our guest suggests a new concept to explain the ‘cluster f’ that’s happening around us. This podcast won’t make you happier, more mindful or fitter. But it will… well… you’ll have spent 20 minutes caring about something other than yourself.
It’s available on Substack (if you subscribe for free, you get notified via email everytime a new episode comes out), but you can also listen on Apple podcasts or pretty much every other podcast hosting platform.
I’d love it if you listened!