Our Digital Self is separated from the experience of ‘being human’ partly by existing outside the material/real world. Digital You meets up with others online in rooms, boards, sites, platforms – all physical descriptions of non-physical spaces. Post-pandemic, our meetings are on Zoom where even the CEO’s Digital Self...
Don’t Forget Me
She Needs Your Help
Consuming Ourselves
Our Digital Self is a product not a person (Solon, 2011). Technological advances in media production over the past 20 years mean that everyone has become a marketing manager, a photographer, a filmmaker, a star, a brand. We have evolved from the postmodern consumer (Fromm, 2013) into the product...
Chroma key
I’ve used my colour-only stop motion videos to play around with a few things. Just mixing them together is pretty… … but kind of reminds me of the 90s Pearl & Dean intro for some reason… I did a lot of playing around with chroma keying out colours on...
Experiments with light
I’ve been continuing to experiment with stop motion. I’ve done several short tests with just colour rather than video....
We collaborated.
We’ve had three conversations. 01.03.2022 started at 11:02 for 48 minutes 08.03.2022 started at 16:57 for 118 minutes 09.03.2022 started at 17:24 for 41 minutes What connects us? We are both interested in thinking about what ‘reality’ is. We see many dangers in social media. It makes people hide...
who are you now?
A short film for our upcoming exhibition....
Stop motion. 4 second shutter. One layer. Unstable base for both the laptop and the camera. Trying out different shapes and techniques. Update: More layers…...
Double Filter Test
I’ve tried a couple different techniques with this video from TikTok. It is a stop motion animation of the video played on my laptops screen with each photo taken with a 4 second open shutter on my iPhone (using manual settings on the ProCam app). I then used pieces...